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Billing can be one of the trickiest parts of running a gym. You have to keep a record of which members are paying for which memberships, ensure the money is being collected on time and if a member is overdue, make sure they can’t access the club until they’ve paid for their membership.

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Many gyms across the UK still collect membership payments manually because they feel the need to maintain control, but more often than not, it costs the gym owner a lot of time and energy that could be spent delighting customers and growing the business.

Here are the three ways that gym billing software will help your gym and set the business up for success.

Automatic Recurring Payments

Gym billing software will help your business by setting up automatic recurring payments, meaning you won’t need to manually oversee each payment that comes in. This is especially useful for clubs that need to collect regular payments such as memberships or recurring sessions. If new members join and agree to pay their monthly fee by Direct Debit or recurring card payment, the billing software will automatically set up a monthly payment schedule for the selected amount once sign-up has been completed.

Automatically Track Member Payments

In addition, gym billing software will help you track membership payments so that you can identify which members’ payments are up to date and which members still need to pay. The system will match up the payment to the correct member in such a way that there’s no need for you to do it manually. You’ll even get an automatic alert when a member is overdue so that you can speak to them and collect their payment as quickly as possible. Imagine all the time that would save you!

Keep Everything in One Place

It also makes it possible for your business to sell products and merchandise (think protein bars and branded clothing) in the app, so everything is in one place. Every aspect of your gym can be managed from a single system – which means you don’t need to switch between software and web pages to get the information you need.

Investing in gym billing software will set your business up for success and ensure your club stays in operation for years to come. You’ll be able to build a sustainable monthly income and strive for business growth without worrying about the extra admin work it could lead to; along with having confidence that payments are being collected accurately and on time.

Ready to invest in gym billing software? Speak to ClubRight. We’re the go-to member management software that takes care of everything from automation and access control to class bookings and selling online – plus a whole lot more. Give us a call today on +44 (0)203 884 977 or book a free online demo with one of our product experts to find out why we’re trusted by more than 750+ fitness businesses across the UK.

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