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Membership management is an essential part of running a gym. It enables you to manage all areas of the business from one system; automating mundane tasks that would usually take hours.

Beyond helping you stay on top of club admin, gym membership software is also an incredibly cost-effective solution to common management problems because it provides a means of addressing these challenges from one place. 

Read on to learn why gym membership software is a cost-effective solution to common management issues.

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How To Best Utilise Gym Management Software

Using gym management software gives you the tools to market your business, helping you to maximise the number of new members you gain each month and retain existing members by delivering a seamless member experience. Having all the direct marketing tools you need already built into your gym’s CRM means there’s no need to invest in separate gym marketing software.

Member retention is crucial because it costs a lot more money to acquire an entirely new customer. It’s more cost-effective to up-sell current members through automated campaigns using your gym software. You can even use ClubRight’s Smart Referral tool to manage brand advocates that refer new members to the club, allowing you to double your membership base with virtually no extra effort!

Keep Your Gym Operations Running Efficiently

Gym management doesn’t just refer to managing members, but your employees too. Using an entirely different software to manage the staff rota is inefficient and requires your staff to have another login to another software. An all-in-one system means they can access the information they need (whether it’s accessing the rota or assisting with club management), giving them clear direction on their daily tasks. 

Getting your staff to manage payment processing manually can be costly, whereas having gym software send out collected or failed payment notifications automatically helps ease the need for human intervention. That way, your staff can focus on tasks more beneficial to the business. The same can be said for transaction fees. ClubRight offers some of the most competitive collection rates on the market right now, making it an incredibly cost-effective choice. 

Overall, gym software is a cost-effective solution to your management problems because it gives you access to many tools in one place for one monthly fee. In doing so, you’ll be able to address the payments or retention challenges you’re facing, faster. It’s much simpler (and cheaper) to invest in one end-to-end management system that covers all of your needs rather than switching between several different software. 

Who To Go For Your Gym Management Software

ClubRight is one of the highest-rated end-to-end solutions available to gym owners right now. Created by people with first-hand experience in running a gym, it takes care of everything from automation and member management to class bookings and selling memberships online – plus a whole lot more.

When you work with us, you’ll be speaking to the people that understand the day-to-day challenges of owning a business in the health and fitness industry. Give us a call today on +44 (0)203 884 977 or book a free online demo with one of our product experts.

Cost Effective Gym Management Software