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One of the biggest burdens faced by martial arts instructors is finding an efficient way to track attendance and organise class schedules. Without proper processes in place, these two tasks can cause a lot of frustration both for instructors and students.

Read on to see how you can streamline attendance tracking and class scheduling so that you can focus on delivering a seamless student experience.

Use Online Class Scheduling Software

One of the most effective ways to streamline class scheduling is by using online class scheduling software. These platforms allow martial arts schools to easily create and manage class schedules, set capacity limits, and update class information in real-time. You can set classes to repeat on certain days and times, assign specific instructors to certain classes, and automatically assign students to waitlists that prompt waitlist members to book if a space becomes available.

Enable Students to Book Online

Students will also benefit from martial arts schools using scheduling software to manage classes. They can conveniently view class schedules and sign up for classes online; eliminating the need for a manual booking process. Students can also visit direct links to specific classes along with being able to book in advance, pay online and then use the same member portal to register their attendance when they arrive at the club. If you mainly teach children who can’t book classes themselves, all of the mentioned features are available to their parents too. That means parents/guardians can create their own profile, add a payment method and manage their child’s classes online; which is much more convenient for busy families and much less confusing for you!

Implement a Check-in System

Tracking attendance manually can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Implementing a digital check-in system can help streamline this process and provide instructors with real-time attendance data that is invaluable for analysing class popularity, optimising schedules and spotting trends in student behaviour. Several check-in options include scanning a barcode in a student app and pin codes; these can then be connected to a door entry system that checks whether the student is up-to-date with payments before allowing them to enter the premises.

Praise Consistent Attendance

To incentivise regular attendance, praise students who attend classes consistently. Send messages congratulating them when they reach a certain number of classes attended, or even offer discounts, merchandise or access to exclusive events to reward them for their hard work. By rewarding students for attending classes regularly, you not only increase retention rates but also foster a sense of community and engagement at your martial arts school.


Managing class scheduling and attendance tracking in a martial arts school can be challenging, but with the right strategies and tools, it’s possible to streamline the process and improve overall efficiency. Using online scheduling software, a digital check-in system and offering incentives for attendance will help instructors create a more seamless and enjoyable experience for both the team and students.

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