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It can be frustrating if your gym is always at full capacity in the evenings, but much quieter during the day. It’s not necessarily a reflection on your gym, but more a symptom of your members’ lifestyles.

What if we told you there were strategies you could use to get people through the door during those quieter times of the day?

With a bit of creativity, you can turn those slow hours into profitable ones.

Here’s how.

Run Time-Based Discounts and Packages

In the past, we’ve always recommended focusing on simplicity and avoiding offering your members too many options when it comes to memberships. However, one of the easiest ways to attract more members during off-peak hours is to offer an off-peak membership or class pass for those quieter times of the day.

Consider who might benefit from a Midday Membership or Early Bird pass at a lower rate for members who use the gym during less busy times. You can also promote day passes or short-term memberships specifically targeted at people who prefer to work out when the gym is quieter, or simply because it suits their lifestyle better; remote workers, shift workers, stay-at-home parents etc.

Host Specialised Classes and Workshops

Off-peak hours are the perfect time to experiment with new class offerings or workshops that cater to more niche interests. Whether it’s yoga, strength training, or nutrition workshops, these types of classes can attract new members and tap into different target audiences.

For example, you could introduce a mid-morning stress-relief yoga session. If you start getting regular attendees, offer them a better-value membership that offers a lower rate in exchange for long-term commitment.

Corporate Wellness Programs

Many local businesses are willing to invest in their employees’ well-being. Partner with local companies to offer corporate wellness programs that allow employees to access your gym during off-peak hours, such as on lunch breaks, early mornings and so on. This not only fills your gym during quieter times but also builds long-term partnerships with local businesses.

Use Your Gym for Non-Fitness Events

During off-peak hours, your facility can be used for more than just workouts. Consider hosting community events, workshops, or even local business networking sessions. This diversifies your revenue stream and brings a new audience to the gym that you otherwise may not have reached.

You could host a wellness seminar during your gym’s slower hours, featuring local small businesses and wellness experts that complement physical fitness; mindfulness coaches, nutrition coaches etc. You can charge a small fee for vendor booths and offer special offers on memberships to attendees.

Use the Time to Work On the Business

During off-peak hours, gym owners and managers have a valuable opportunity to step back and work on the business rather than in it. Use this free time to evaluate your gym’s operations, assess member feedback, review your marketing and generally fine-tune elements of the gym that often get overlooked during busy hours. 

It’s also a great time for staff development. Host team meetings, run training sessions, or share ideas on how you can improve the gym going forward. Focusing on these behind-the-scenes tasks during quieter periods ensures that your gym is running efficiently and is set up for long-term growth.


To summarise, off-peak hours should be seen as an opportunity, not a frustration. Get creative with how you target specific demographics and how others can use your gym in new ways. That way, you can drive revenue and increase member engagement even during your gym’s quieter hours. Remember, a proactive approach to off-peak hours can set your gym apart from the competition and keep your business thriving year-round.


ClubRight is the go-to management software for independent gyms, taking care of everything from membership management and billing to class bookings and online joining—plus a whole lot more. Give us a call today on +44 (0)203 884 977 or book a free online demo with one of our product experts to find out why we’re trusted by more than 1000+ fitness businesses across the UK.

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